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Prefects are an important part of school life and are selected annually from Year 10.   As a part of the role Prefects will assist students in the following areas.


Prefects are expected to be exemplars, setting the school's expectations in regards to behaviour, time keeping and uniform. They are expected to demonstrate independence, responsibility and reliability, whilst monitoring the welfare of other students and promoting high expectations. 


Prefects are given the responsibility to award other students reward points for positive behaviour. 

Anti-Bully Ambassadors

Prefects are anti-bullying ambassadors for the school and are expected to educate their peers on bullying; lead on anti-bullying campaigns and promote a culture which celebrates and tolerates difference. 

Community Service

The role provides prefects with the opportunity to become active members of the community and have a lasting and positive impact on society. Community service enables prefects to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those vulnerable members within the local community. 

Peer Mentors

Some prefects will act as Peer Mentors meeting weekly with students to encourage, listen and make suggestions on their current activities and classes. As mentors they will provide support and guidance to the school's students who are experiencing difficulties in learning due to social or behavioural issues. 


Prefects will undertake duties at break, lunchtime and after school, in order to maintain an atmosphere of friendly co-operation, peace, discipline and unity in the school.