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We recognise that students will not fulfil their potential if they are experiencing any form of bullying. We pride ourselves on being a telling academy and all students are encouraged to discuss any concerns with staff.

Our students have created an Anti-Bullying Charter which forms the foundation of our anti-bullying campaign. All students sign and agree to the points of the charter which is then permanently displayed in the tutor room. Any student who is found breaking the charter will be dealt with in line with our Behaviour, Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy.

Every year we issue students with an information card which contains Year Leader contact information and an email address which can be used to share information or concerns.

What should I do if I think my child is being bullied?

The initial instinct for any parent is to protect their child and maintain their safety. We recognise that this instinct is sometimes compromised when you leave your child in our care. If you think your child is a victim of any form of bullying you should encourage them to speak with their form tutor in the first instance. It can sometimes be daunting for students to discuss these concerns; as a parent/carer you can also contact the academy immediately to share your concerns with either the form tutor or Year Leader.

We work closely with the local Police and where necessary liaise with them to resolve bullying concerns.


Safeguarding concerns should be emailed to our confidential email address: 


Colchester Academy Anti-Bullying Charter

  • Everyone will feel respected
  • Everyone will accept people’s differences – we are not all the same
  • Everyone has the right to be safe and happy in school
  • Bullying in school is not tolerated – this includes name calling
  • Any bullying concerns must be reported immediately to staff
  • Encouraging others to fight is not acceptable
  • We are all here to learn and no-one should be laughed at for trying
  • We respect each other’s personal belongings and do not damage property
  • We will not use social networking sites to bully or intimidate others
  • We all stand united to tackle bullies at Colchester Academy

Anti Bullying Big Award