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Colchester Academy

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Year 7

Students complete two tasks during Year 7. Task 1 – students design a storage container using a particular material. They look at Art Deco or Art Nouveau to influence task designs. Task 2 – students look at different graphical techniques to create a range of nets and developments using CAD – including CD cases, drink cartons and using software including 20 Design and Google Sketch Up.

Year 8

Students complete two tasks during Year 8. Task 1 requires them to design and make a fashion item accessory which is designed using the influence of Tokidoki – looking at handbag and phone charms or bracelets/necklaces. Students then produce a box to display their item in by using a range of materials including plastic, metal and wood. For Task 2, students create a pop up box using the influence of Sabuda. Students learn about paper, boards and different movements and mechanisms and discuss the best possible materials to use.

Year 9

Students complete two tasks during Year 9. Task 1 – students create a promotional range of products for a film including a flyer, ticket or point of sale. Students learn about CAD and CAM systems, thinking about social issues that might impact on the design. Students also use a range of different materials to do this, learning about paper, board, modelling foam etc. Task 2 – Students design a birthday card in the style of either Harry Beck, Jock Kinneir or Wally Olins using Robert Sabuda’s work as an influence for the popup (must be made using CAM).

Year 10

Students create a board game with a box and pieces/counters which are be made using different materials. Students include a box divider/organiser for the game pieces/counters and the board – this must be in the style of Race and Chase. The theme is for all ages to ensure students think about how they might design a product for a wide range of people. Students also start a final project set by the exam board and the first section includes all research, designs and models including CAD.

Year 11

Students complete their coursework, finish final models and evaluate and develop these. Students revise for the exam looking at key aspects which include CAD, CAM, materials, industrial practices, design influences, social moral issues, sustainability, smart materials and modern materials.