Skills for Life & RE
According to the PSHE Associations case study “curriculum for life” there is compelling evidence that PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) helps keep children and young people safe, mentally and physically healthy and prepared for life and work. At Colchester Academy we believe in developing our students beyond academic content and exam outcomes. Young people need to learn the skills and have knowledge to know how to be safe and healthy, manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way to help them become successful members of our society. Our curriculum is designed to support our students in becoming understanding and open-minded members of society, and also allow them to be more self aware of their own beliefs and cultures, as well as that of their peers and the wider community.
At Colchester Academy we value the importance of deliverying PSHERSERE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE), Relationships, Sex Education (RSE) and Religious Education (RE). We consulted with our community to ensure their views and needs were considered, this enabled us to ensure the curriculum was crafted with our students and community in mind. The principal aim of our RE curriculum is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge and understanding of other religions and cultures as well as being able to reflect on their own ideas and ways of living. It is a vital part of British Values, which we as an academy have a duty to instil within our student body.
As a result, we have a well-planned, timetabled programme of age appropriate lessons and tutor sessions. We aim for our students to explore and gain the knowledge, understanding needed to embrace British values, which we believe is our duty to instil within our student body. We endeavour to ensure respect for all backgrounds and beliefs of students, parents, our community and society. Students are then given the opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice through class discussion and debate. We have designed the curriculum to support our young people to make sound decisions when facing the risks, challenges that modern-day life in Britain can bring.
Where appropriate the curriculum is supported by visits from a range of specialist speakers who give presentations on topics such as health and personal hygiene, relationships, crime, drug and gang culture and key dates throughout the academic year.
Staff are trained throughout the academic year to ensure they have the skills to deliver effectively, all the topics that are important to develop well rounded students with the skills to manage risk and develop healthy lifestyles and life chances.
Key Stage 3
Year 7 |
Topics Covered: |
Autumn |
Spring - RSE |
Summer |
Year 8 |
Topics Covered: |
Autumn |
Spring - RSE |
Summer |
Year 9 |
Topics Covered: |
Autumn |
Spring - RSE |
Summer |
Year 10 |
Topics Covered: |
Autumn |
Spring- RSE |
Summer |
Year 11 |
Topics Covered: |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
skills for life curriculum map final 2023 24.pdf
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. If you have any questions about Religious Education or you would like to withdraw the young person in your care from Religious Education lessons please contact Mr Meitiner-Harvey -