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Attendance and Absences


Attendance Support

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If your child is unable to attend school please contact the school’s absence line on 01206 878872 by 8.30 am on each day of your child’s absence. Please state clearly your child’s name, tutor group and reason for absence.  Alternatively you can email attendance@colchesteracademy.org.uk.

Any pupils absent without notice will receive a text message from the school asking them to contact us stating the reason why. Any pupils not reported will be recorded as unauthorised absence.

Late Arrivals

Your child should be in school by 8.40 am each day for morning registration.  If your child arrives after this time they will be recorded as late and they will receive a 20 minute lunchtime detention.  If your child arrives after 10am they will have missed morning registration and this will be recorded as an unauthorised morning absence.


Where possible all medical appointments should be made outside of school hours.   If this is not possible please advise the school in advance on 01206 878872 or alternatively email attendance@colchesteracademy.org.uk.  You will need to provide medical evidence (eg appointment card or hospital letter) for all appointments in school hours.


The current law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time.  The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 prohibits the Head teacher granting leave of absence to a pupil except where an application has been made in advance and the Head teacher considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.

If you do take your child out of school for this time, the absences will not be authorised and the Local Authority may issue a penalty notice to each parent of £60 for each child to be paid within 21 days.  If the penalty is not paid within the time scale the penalty will increase to £120.  If the higher penalty is not paid within 28 days, the Local Authority will then initiate legal proceedings against you in the magistrate’s court under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 for failing to ensure your child attends school regularly.

The school requires all parents to complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ application form and attach a letter outlining the ‘exceptional circumstances’ for which a leave of absence is being applied. Applications for exceptional holiday leave will be considered by the Head teacher and the school’s Attendance Officer will advise the parent/carer accordingly.

Leave of absence for approved sporting activities and other educational opportunities will be considered as normal and should be applied for using the same form.

The Leave of Absence form and accompanying letter is to be handed in to Student Reception or can be emailed to attendance@colchesteracademy.org.uk

We hope that you will continue to work with us to ensure your child/children receive the best opportunity to achieve the results of which they are capable.

The Leave of Absence application can be downloaded here.