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PE (Core)

Year 7

Students develop and improve the fundamental skills, techniques and principles of a range of activities. They use basic observations and analyse skills to evaluate performance and make progress. Students develop and maintain a good level of physical fitness. This is delivered through a range of activities including netball, rugby, swimming, athletics, rounders and cricket.

Year 8

Students use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games. They develop their techniques in a variety of sports. Students then analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

Year 9

Students embark on a number of physical activities. Students are taught to develop their technique in individual sports and improve and evaluate their performances in order to achieve their personal best. Tactics and strategies are focused on team games and students are encouraged to take part in competitive sports and activities outside of the academy through community links or sports clubs.

Year 10

Students consolidate their performances in a variety of physical activities. They are encouraged to take on physical challenges, working as a team or as an individual. More advanced strategies are taught to overcome opponents and emphasis is placed on students to participate in competitive sports and activities outside of the academy.

Year 11

Students are expected to work increasingly more independently within lessons. They continue to evaluate their performances and need to demonstrate improvement whilst trying to achieve their personal best. Students continue to develop their own personal fitness and lessons continue to promote an active, healthy lifestyle. A degree of choice of activity also features.